“Banning books is just another form of bullying. It's all about fear and an assumption of power. The key is to address the fear and deny the power.” ― James Howe

Okay okay okay, I know, I flopped the Banned Book Challenge hard. I went into this with a plan to write  blog post every day (which I had all planned out) and be able to read at least two of my proposed TBR list.,,, In the end I submitted two posts in time and managed to read about 80% of The Well of Loneliness and a paltry 30 or so pages of Persepolis. I'm  sham of a book blogger look to be honest, not reading. It's a travesty.

To be fair, I had a busy week with work, family commitments and, for some unknown reason, I thought redecorating my room on what was already a jam-packed week was a brilliant idea. I like the fact I'm so optimistic towards myself and what I think I might be capable of doing but I really overdid my estimations this time. You'd think after four years of studying literature at uni I would have realised that I cannot read four books in a week and function like a normal human being, but apparently on removing my graduation gown I forgot all about that. I am utterly and indubitably a bit of a tit.

Although I didn't finish all that I had wanted for Banned Book Week I'm glad I took part, even in my mediocre sense. Banned Book Week draws attention to the fact that, even though this is 2016 are we are living in a world that is supposedly progressive, modern and liberal, some people are preventing other people from reading certain books because of reason x, y or z. I have the privilege  to be able to read these books that were once banned, but sadly there are books out there that people are not allowed to read because of other crappy people feeling that they shouldn't have the right to do so. The formation of thoughts and opinions that comes from reading books is so important to creating  person, books are part of our education, whether fiction or non-fiction and censoring or banning books merely limits people form reaching their true potential. Banned books lead to banned thoughts, and I say: screw that. So while Banned Book Week is over I will not stop my involvement and promotion of this challenge and the consumption of banned and censored books because we cannot let people govern what we can read now, or in the future.